
Your wallet, more than a wallet, without the wallet.
A payment app that's fast, easy to use, and secure. Featuring payments with NFC and QR, along with an emphasis on security, your payments are not only more secured, but also more fun.


With heavy emphasis on design, security, and accessibility, we wanted to make a payment app that would provide so much, that the normal user wouldn't want to go back to cash payments.

product image

With features like payment transfers with either QR, NFC, or phone number, and our shake-to-exit feature, Pocket gives you the flexibility and peace of mind you would want out of an app.

nfc left image
nfc right image
shake-to-exit image
loyalty cards image
contracts image


Design Process

Initially, we wanted to create 2 apps, one for users, and another for our merchants.

Our idea for a merchant app allows sellers to totally ditch your normal computer registers in favour for easier, and more intuitive controls. However, due to time constraints, we have decided to abandon the idea. Instead, we heavily rely on the main app for payments and transfers.

Below are my very rough drafts for the design I think would be suitable, minus the colour scheme and font.

WARNING: It is very VERY yellow down there. Proceed with caution.

pocket draft image
pocket draft left image
pocket draft mid image
pocket draft right image
pocket draft explanation image
merchant draft image
merchant draft left image
merchant draft right image


Role in group:

Responsible for the frontend of the app (UI and design).

GitHub page here