iOS Simulator

WWDC20 Playground Submission
An iOS Simulator incorporating my thoughts and views on a few design principles. Submission was selected as 1 of 350 WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge Winners.


Being inspired by how much iOS has changed over the years, I took a look that's all so familiar and made it different in this Playground.

lockscreen image
homescreen image
calculator image

Featuring over 200 self-drawn doodles, an astounding number of mini apps (2), and a very familiar feel, I hope to inspire people to express their creativity through seeing things differently.

Multiple icon styles combined into a singular iterating icon shows (subtle) interactivity.

calculator icons image

But some don't need to iterate over and over again. Animations are crucial to give users feedback, and in most cases, they are not supposed to be interactable.

lock icons image

The Playground covers a lot of these thoughts, which are all covered in the videos embedded below. It goes over why the doodles were used, what feedback and consistency meant, and more.


Development took about 9 days. I was, at that time, pretty new to Swift and development for iOS. I felt crazy halfway through development thinking I even stood a chance.

Fun fact though, sometimes the Playground would sort of run, especially when it's right after the first compile, leading to the interface not responding to anything. So that was kind of where my anxiety began.

results image
